We get a lot of data in this with Evaboot and we discovered that approximately % of LinkedIn users decide to share their emails with their contacts. st degree connection emails discovery rate Plus, most of them will be personal emails. Personal emails are not GPDR compliant for prospecting. But don’t worry. There is a solution. Bonus: get the emails of your connections If you want the professionals emails of all your Linkedin connections you can use a tool like Phantombuster or Texau.
These tools can export data from Linkedin and then send Web Design and Development Service this data to email finders. find email of linkedin connections The only thing is that these tools will only be able to do that for contacts per day ( contacts per day if you have a Sales Navigator subscriptions) Why? Because these tools need to visit the profiles of your contacts to get their company websites in order to find their emails. And there is a limit that linkedin imposes on the visit of the profiles. So if you have thousands of contacts, that will take time. linkedin scraping limitations If you want to faster, you can use Linkedin Sales Navigator with Evaboot.
It allows exporting and finds the emails of linkedin contacts per day. Export Contacts From Linkedin Sales Navigator How to export contacts from Linkedin Sales Navigator: Select st Degree Connection Filter Split your search into several chunks Export your search with Evaboot Download your CSV Find the emails of your contacts . Select st Degree Connection Filter Look for “Connections” > “ st degree connections” in the . st degree filter sales navigator All your st degree connection will appear on the right. filter contacts linkedin sales navigator . Split your search into several chunks.